The average house price on JANOWAY HILL LANE is £1,564,150
The most expensive house in the street is MILLHURST HOUSE JANOWAY HILL LANE with an estimated value of £1,929,085
The cheapest house in the street is HIGH BANK JANOWAY HILL LANE with an estimated value of £1,199,216
The house which was most recently sold was HIGH BANK JANOWAY HILL LANE, this sold on 7 Dec 2018 for £965,000
The postcode for JANOWAY HILL LANE is GU21 7QL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
HIGH BANK JANOWAY HILL LANE Detached , 156 m2 £1,199,216 £965,000 7 Dec 2018
MILLHURST HOUSE JANOWAY HILL LANE Detached , 285 m2 £1,929,085 £1,130,000 6 Aug 2010